Hoteliers, see what travel agents see and start your one month free CosmoNaut trial today!

We give you a free access to the Cosmonaut portal, to one of the leading reservation and booking systems in the German-speaking market. The Cosmonaut portal is used by up to 6.000 travel agents.

Find out more:

  • Gain a better understanding of the German B2B travel market
  • See who is selling your hotel
  • View how your hotel ranks


  • See all offers of the leading tour operators in DACH region
  • Check and control your prices
  • View your competitor set


  • Check out all leading tour operators
  • See the recommendations for your hotel
  • Understand exactly where your rates are going


  • See your hotels‘ non-bookable content
  • Check your pictures and descriptions in TTOs system
  • We help you take control of your content


Try our CosmoNaut portal and see the benefits yourself by using our one month free trial. To start the trial please contact Manuela Schiff or schedule a call.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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Part of Travelsoft Group