Germany says: «Yes!» to # Travel2020

Dear partners, potential partners and travel lovers
Are you concerned about whether the DACH region is going to travel again once the crisis is over or if the motivation to travel has changed? Stop worrying too much, Germany clearly says YES to #travel2020, take a look with your own eyes:
To support our traffic statistics, we have conducted a survey and would like to share the positive results with you today. We want to motivate you and replace your wrinkles of concern with a happy smile.

The results of our survey: Germany speaks about its desire to travel
As soon as the restrictions are progressively eased, you can count on the German-speaking market and not only across Europe — 85% of the participants have confirmed this. The good news is also that about half of the respondents were financially barely or not at all affected by the Corona crisis. Of course we hope that this will stay like that.
On a scale from 1 to 10 of our question whether they will travel this year, almost 40% of the respondents answered with a 10! A total of 75% voted on the scale between 5 and 10, which means that the majority of Germans will catch up on their travels in 2020. A very positive and hopeful figure for the return of tourism.
Top destinations according to our survey are Germany, Austria, Ibiza/Mallorca, Canary Islands, Spain mainland and Portugal. Despite the selection of many European destinations, long-distance destinations such as Asia as well as South and North America were also often mentioned.
According to traffics statistics, measured by the number of travel searches, Turkey, Egypt, Mallorca and Gran Canaria are at the top of the list. So there is something for everyone!
The TUI Group plans to commence selling trips within the Mediterranean region. In the first step, destinations with high safety and health standards come first. This puts Mallorca in a high place. The hotels have undergone test runs and are ready to welcome their first guests. Followed by the Spanish mainland, Greece, Cyprus, Croatia, Bulgaria, Austria and Denmark are also well prepared for summer tourism.
Even though 40% of the respondents said they are not afraid to travel, almost 50% feel a little insecure. This is an appeal to everyone working in the tourism industry to continue thinking about how this uncertainness can be eliminated through services, products and measures adapted to the situation.
In this sense — #travel2020! We hope we could give you some positive and hopeful feelings as well as some enthusiasm and stamina for the last ascent — together to the mountain top!
Your Connected Destination Team